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  2. 寧夏旅游攻略大全:水洞溝導游講解詞中英文混合版?。ǘ?/h1>
       2017-07-27 236

    今天為大家?guī)淼膶幭?a href="http://www.akneadedcalm.com">銀川旅游攻略大全,從張三小店開始,為大家介紹水洞溝各個景點的具體資料。水洞溝導游講解詞中英文混合版?。ǘ?/p>


    編號011  張三小店      Number 011 Zhangsan Tavern


    Along with Li Yong No. 2 who “hosted” the 2011 CCTV Lantern Festival Show with Li Yong and Zhou Tao (famous host and hostess in CCTV), the three vivid and lifelike figure sculptures we see here are casted by the same company—Xi’an Superman Company.


    The tall and slender figure sculpture is the French paleontologist named P.Teilhard de Chardin while the one with strong body is the museologist named E.Licent. The young fellow lifting the teapot and holding the teacup is the owner of the tavern, Zhangsan. The barely visible figure inside the room is Zhangsan’s wife whose name is Ziyi. She is said to resemble Zhang Ziyi (a famous female movie star in China) in looks.


    On 11th June 1923, E.Licent departed from Tianjin with his schoolmate and friend P.Teilhard de Chardin traveled along the west bank of the Yellow River to the west. They crossed the Wula Mountain, reached Shuidonggou and lived in Zhangsan Tavern. Their purpose was to carry out scientific research and excavation.


    After finishing the supper on that day, E.Licent and P.Teilhard de Chardin were too anxious to stay and marched along the bottom of the ditch. When reaching a cliff that ran parallel with the Great Wall, they suddenly found phosphorescent light on the cliff. With abundant archaeology knowledge, they immediately sensed the existence of skeleton there. They returned to Zhangsan tavern in a hurry and asked for a big ladder by paying 5 silver dollars to Zhangsan. In darkness, they climbed the cliff and started excavation. On the first night, they had already discovered a skull fossil. In the following dozen days, E.Licent and P.Teilhard de Chardin hired some local farmers to do the excavation and found more than 300 kilos of chipped stone implements such as steinkern,scraping implements, pointed implements and so on. Since China was still in the midst of war then and no advanced and appropriate research conditions could be met, they put the stone implements into wooden box after having elaborate numbering and sent them to France for further research. In 1928, they announced to the world with rigorous academic spirit and scientific fact that the discovery and excavation of Shuidonggou site signified the termination of the inference that “China doesn’t have Paleolithic Age culture”. The discovery of Shuidonggou shocked European archaeological field. Before this, western scholars had deemed that China didn’t have Paleolithic age, which meant that our ancestors were the people who immigrated from the West.



    Number 012 Types of Excavated Cultural Relics


    Exhibitions here are the ancient animal fossils unearthed from Shuidonggou which show that the size of the ancient animals were relatively large. This is unearthed megaloceros, the horn of which is such an amazing size with the width of 2.5 meters. That’s why it is called megaloceros. It the major prey of Shuidonggou in ancient times.


    Thick-jawed deer (also known as thick-jawed megaloceros) belongs to the category of megaloceros. Its size is the same as that of the David’s deer. Its skull and four limbs bones are very strong. There is obvious swelling in the lower jawbone, that’s why it’s named thick-jawed deer.



    Head of Bos primigenius

    Judging from the horn, we can see the body of Bos primigenius is quite huge. According to the calculation by experts, if returned to its original shape, it would weigh as much as 2 tons which is the weight of a under-age small elephant.


    The body of Przewalski horse is strong and fit with 2.8 meters in length, over 1 meter in height and approximately 300 kilos in weight.

    編號013 水洞溝出土石器展示

    Number 013 Exhibition of Stone Implements Unearthed in Shuidonggou


    1. Levallois steinkern was initially discovered in Levallois-Perret, Paris, France. That’s why it is named Levallois steinkern which belongs to Mousterian culture in the middle Paleolithic age in Europe. It is the stone implement chipping technique created by the Homo neanderthalensis. Before making stone slices, the surface of the raw stones would be peeled off, leaving the internals that are usually named steinkern. The stinkern would be elaborately trimmed so that one side is flat and the other side is swelling outwards, which looks like an up-side-down tortoise shell. Such steikern produces multiple stone slices. On average, over 4 slices could be made with thin edges which can be used directly as implements. It represents the most advanced stone implement chipping technique in the world then. Since the material of stone implements unearthed in Shuidonggou are basically similar to those discovered in the European Mousterian culture. Experts believe that such phenomenon of identical culture in two remote areas is the “assimilation impact by human migration over great distance”. Therefore, this type of stone implements unearthed in Shuidonggou was directly named as Levallois steinkern. The appearance of Shuidonggou Site Museumwas built by imitating the shape of the stone implements unearthed in Shuidonggou,


    2. Pointed implement. This piece of stone implement is regular in shape. With one end pointed outward, symmetrical thin edges are made on both sides. Can you have a guess at its function? Yes, it looks like an arrowhead. Bigger pointed implement could be tied to the end of a wooden stick and be used as thrown tool hunting prey. Smaller ones could be used for drilling. With the shape similar to arrowhead, it is mainly used as thrown tool for hunting. This is a typical stone implement unearthed in Shuidonggou.


    3. Scraping implement is used for cutting, shaving and peeling. It is usually used for cutting meat, hide, animal bodies, and rootstock of grains. It is also used to break and trim middle-sized and small wooden stick etc. It is the mostly commonly seen tool among chipped stone implements, which is similar to the knives used today.


    4. Millstone. Ancient Shuidonggou people lived as early as 30,000 years ago and as late as 10,000 years ago. Not only did they live the Palaeolithic age but also the Neolithic Age. The biggest difference between the two Ages lies in the means of making stone implements. Stone implements made in the Palaeolithic age are mainly the chipped ones. The pointed stone implement we saw a moment ago is a chipped stone implement. While the stone implements made in the Neolithic Age are mainly ground ones. The millstone in front of us belongs to the implement made in the Neolithic Age. It embodies the subjective initiative of human beings to a broader extent. Polishing the desired shape of implement as per one’s needs has been strong evidence that human beings grow smarter during the process of continuous working.


    In the previous part of our visit, we have called your attention to compare and observe the difference between the stone implements unearthed in Shuidonggou and the ones unearthed in other sites of China. If we have a closer look, we would find that the stone implements unearthed in Shuidonggou are more neat and meticulous. The blade stone implements are especially featured by its long, thin and neat shape, which fully demonstrate that the ancient Shuidonggou people use the most advanced stone implements. This is beyond compare by other ancient people in Palaeolithic age discovered in our country so far.

    編號014  裝飾品

    Number 014 Ornaments


    There are 60 ring shape ornaments unearthed in Shuidonggou. Exquisite ring shape ornaments made by bone pieces and ostrich eggshells are the earliest polished handicrafts in batch process in our country so far. They are the most exquisite handicrafts ever discovered in the Palaeolithic age of our country, which greatly enrich the cultural deposits of Shuidonggou and provide important materials for research into the level of productivity, evolution of technique, the condition of making and using handicraft, as well as behavioral pattern and aesthetic judgment at that time.


    編號015 一號遺址發(fā)掘點剖面

    Number 015 Section of Excavation Site No.1


    Here we come to the section of excavation site No. 1. The first four archaeological excavations were done here and almost 10 thousand pieces of stoneware and animal fossils were discover. There are three possible reasons for such intensive distribution of relics: First, ancient people had lived in Shuidonggou for quite a long time so that many life utensils were left here. Second, ancient people living in Shuidonggou had attained the highest level of the late Palaeolithic age in terms of production technique and had started volume production of implements. Third, there had been other people living here before the Shuidonggou ancient people. We vividly call it “stone implements fabrication plant”. Above the trough located in the middle is relic of the Neolithic Age and below the trough is relic of the Palaeolithic age, which proves that Shuidonggou includes historical relics of two ages.



    Number 016 Function of Some Stone Implements and Their Evolution


    Along the further development of human evolution and productivity, implements used by human beings got more and more advanced. Maybe it is beyond many people’s imagination that the implements used by us now are initially developed from stone implements. Now we would have some knowledge about the development of implements through the display window.


    The display window No. 1 reveals the evolution process of modern metal spearhead or arrowhead developed from the chipped pointed-implement to polished stone spear unearthed in Shuidonggou.


    The display window No. 2 shows us the chipped scraping implement to polished stone knife and the trace of development of modern metal knife.


    The display window No. 3 illustrates the evolution process from chipped chopping implement to polished stone axe to modern metal axe.


    The display window No. 4 exhibits the evolution process from chipped jagged-edge implement to polished stone saw, and the final development of modern metal saw.

    編號017 燒石

    Number017 Cooking Stone


    Before the invention of earthenware, people would cut off the stomach of animals and use it as container. Water was filled in the stomach with animal meat or grass seeds etc. They would then pick stones of the same size and material on the riverbed to be used as “cooking stone”. The stones were placed under the blazing sun for quite a long time or heated over fire and would then be put into the stomach. Such practice would be repeated until the uncooked food became prepared food. The cooking stones unearthed at excavation site No. 12 in Shuidonggou was the first evidence confirming and proving that the ancient people used the indirect fire and mastered “stone cooking method”, which stands out as the landmark of historical research into use of fire by the ancient people.


    編號018 水洞溝遺址發(fā)掘成果

    Number 018 Excavation Achievement in Shuidonggou Site


    After 5 systematic archaeological excavations, plenty of relics have been found. The most colorful and diversified relics in Chinese Palaeolithic age are: stone implements—chipped ones and polished ones, small stone slices, blade stone implements, thin stone implements, bone wares, ornaments, spinning wheels, potteries, animal fossils and historical remains of fire use. Among which, the fabrication and trimming technique for the major stone implements that constitute the cultural foundation of Shuidonggou can compare favorably with the stone implements discovered in the Mousterian and Aurignacian human habitats in Europe, West Asia and North Africa. The Levallois steinkern and Levallois stone slice implements unearthed in great numbers are close to the ancient Mousterian culture in Europe.




    A French leading authority in archaeology, H.Breuil, indicated that the material of skeintern and the blade stone implement signified by its long, thin and regular shape unearthed in Shuidonggou “can be mentioned in the same breath with the material developed in Mousterian habitats in Europe, West and North Africa.” Liu Dongsheng, the master and academician in Chinese archaeology presented a judgment with literary flavor: “The Paleolith culture found in the East part of the yellow land zone traversing Eurasia wher Shuidonggou site is located shows a similar style to that of the Europe. It is the spark generated in cultural collision between the East culture and the West culture, which makes it a distinction between Shuidonggou and other Palaeolithic age sites. It is also the theoretical basis for ‘external migration’ assumption taking the lead in the debate over ‘foreign migration’ or ‘domestic origin’.”

    編號019 水洞溝遺址研究

    Number 019 Research into the Shuidonggou Site

    水洞溝1919年被比利時神父肯特偶然發(fā)現(xiàn), 1923年,由法國二位古生物學家德日進和桑志華正式對水洞溝遺址進行考古發(fā)掘,最后形成了水洞溝考古報告—《中國的舊石器》,并于1928年正式公布,水洞溝遺址的發(fā)現(xiàn)和發(fā)掘標志著“中國沒有舊石器時代文化”這一論斷的終結(jié)。這份報告也讓世界考古界震驚,水洞溝的發(fā)現(xiàn),在世界上引起巨大的轟動,引起考古學界的極大興趣,水洞溝成為了一個時代的標志和一種文化的象征。近百年來,經(jīng)過中外很多考古學家、地質(zhì)學家、古生物學家先后5次系統(tǒng)的考古發(fā)掘和研究,出土了5萬多件石器和300多件動物化石,吸引了大批的專家和學者的研究和關(guān)注,僅 “2003年水洞溝遺址發(fā)現(xiàn)80周年國際古人類學術(shù)討論會”, “2011年水洞溝遺址發(fā)掘88周年學術(shù)研討會”,“2013年水洞溝遺址發(fā)掘90周年研討會”每次就有上百名中外人類學家、考古學家和地質(zhì)學家齊聚水洞溝參加學術(shù)討論。中外學者在探討遠古文化時都要對她濃描細繪,大學考古講義乃至中學歷史教科書都對她不惜筆墨。中國最高科技獎獲得者劉東生院士、著名人類學家吳新智、考古學家張淼水、呂遵諤等先生均參與過水洞溝遺址的研究,并留下研究成果,如此受到名流大家和眾多業(yè)內(nèi)外人士的關(guān)注,中國的古人類遺址中,僅有周口店和泥河灣可以與之媲美。

    In 1919, a Belgium priest named Kent happened to discover Shuidonggou. In 1924, two French paleontologists E.Licent P.Teilhard de Chardin and E.Licent officially carried out the archaeological excavation in Shuidonggou and finally wrote up a archaeology report on Shuidonggou—“Chinese Paleolith” which was officially published in 1928. The discovery and excavation of Shuidonggou site signified the termination of the inference that “China doesn’t have Paleolithic Age culture”. This report also shocked the world archaeology field. The discovery of Shuidonggou caused a sensation all over the world and aroused great interest in the field of archaeology. Shuidonggou has become the sign of an era and a cultural symbol. In recent dozens of years, 5 systematic archaeological excavation and research has been done successively by many archaeologists, geologist and paleontologists. More than 50, 000 pieces of stone implements and over 300 animal fossils were discovered, which has drawn the research and attention of numerous experts and scholars. Each time when the “2003 International Ancient Humans Academic Colloquium—80th Anniversary for the Discovery of Shuidonggou Site”, “2011 Academic Seminar—88th Anniversary for the Excavation of Shuidonggou Site” and “2013 Academic Seminar—90th Anniversary for the Excavation of Shuidonggou Site” were held, more than 100 Chinese and foreign anthropologists, archaeologist and geologists gathered in Shuidonggou for discussion. Chinese and foreign scholars would describe Shuidonggou in details when discussing the culture of the remote antiquity. Archaeology lecture notes used in universities and even the history textbooks used in middle schools would spend more words than necessary for description. Liu Dongsheng, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences as well as winner of State Pre-eminent Science and Technology Award, Wu Xinzhi, the famous anthropologist, Zhang Miaoshui and Lv Zune, famous archaeologists have taken part in the research into Shuidonggou Site and left some research findings. In all the ancient human sites, only Zhoukoudian and Heniwan have enjoyed the same attention paid by so many celebrities and numerous people both inside and outside the field.

    編號020 體驗區(qū)

    Number 020 Experience Area


    What we see in front of us is the subsided dynamic experience area. Here you can travel through time back to 30,000 years ago and have a live-action experience of the production and life of the primitive people, as well as the shocking scenes when hit by disasters. Since the scene is quite lifelike, for safety concern, visitors with high blood pressure or heart disease should experience only outside the earthquake platform and other visitors can step onto the platform for a thrilling experience.




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