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  2. 銀川旅游景點(diǎn)介紹:水洞溝導(dǎo)游講解詞中英文混合版!(四)

       2017-07-28 355


           水洞溝導(dǎo)游講解詞中英文混合版?。ㄋ模?br />


    Number 030 Brief Introduction to the Ancient Troop-Hiding Cave


    The hiding cave actually indicates the move of defending troops at Hongshan Fort transferring from overground defence to underground defence. It was used to hide the troop and protect the effective strength awaiting for chance to attack the enemies or served as tunnel to place troops in ambush in open area. The Great Wall, tower, deep ditch, gorge and hiding cave have constituted the only well-preserved ancient three-dimensional military defense system all over the country. The ancient troop-hiding cave in front of us is the site and prototype of the earliest tunnel warfare in our country. If the tunnel warfare initiated by the Eighth Rout Army and guerrilla forces made the enemies terror-stricken and tremble with fear during the War of Resistance against Japan, we can also imagine that the defending troops at the frontier fortress of Ming Dynasty had kept the invaders outside the Great Wall with the same wisdom and courage 500 years ago.


    Number 031 Underground Tunnel


        What we are passing through is the major part of Ancient Troop-Hiding Cave—underground tunnel. It is used for army mobilization, passage, attack or entry to the cave in wartime. In peacetime, it serves as the shelter for soldiers.

    編號(hào)032 休息室和儲(chǔ)藏室

    Number 032 Common Room and Storeroom


    Mud huts are located on both sides of the underground tunnel. The function of the hut varies depending on its size. Some shallow ones are for stand guard. Some are used as common room or duty room wihle others are used for storing goods and materials.


    Number 033 Trap


    The depth of the trap No. 1 is around 3.3 meters. Originally, antlers or sharp-pointed bamboo sticks would be placed in the trap covered by firewood and loose dust. Since it’s dim inside the cave and the enemies are not familiar with the conditions, they would easily fall into the trap, whether being injured or killed. So far, there are still some skeletons of the enemies left inside.


    Number 034 Fort Barbette


    This is the only fort barbette found so far in the Ancient Troop-Hiding Cave. The one seated next to the window is a cannon imported from Spain. It is also the most advanced weapon found in the cave. The discovery of the fort barbette implies that even if the fired weapons are not widely used, it is no longer a cold weapon dominated era, otherwise it would not make much sense for the Ming Dynasty to continue building the Great Wall. Moreover, we notice that the cannon faces the gorge. A single fire could have triggered the collapse of the whole cliff, which would endanger the defending troops as well. Therefore, the cannon would not be used except under extremely critical situation.


    Number 035 Observation Tower


         Here you have come to the observation tower. Standing on the tower, we can see many small holes in the cliff facing us. The holes are not natural but man-made ones serving as ventilation function for the Ancient Troop-Hiding Cave. Since the cave is excavated underground, ventilation holes have become a critical part. The use of observation tower not only makes it easier to find the enemy’s situation but also serves as a way to send signals to the soldiers stationed in the hiding cave on the opposite side so that they could ambush the enemies passing through the gorge at a proper time. In addition, to be better covered and avoid being suspected by the enemies, they would grow some plants with dense leaves at the observation tower or at the entrance of the cave. The situation of the gorge could be caught in the cave while it’s quite difficult to find the ambush spot.

    編號(hào)036 將軍洞

    Number 036 The General’s Cave


    The general’s cave is located in the center and is composed of a living room and a bedroom. It is a relatively senior setup which reflects the ancient hierarchy system. The most mysterious part in the cave is the cabinet in the wall. The chest on top is only used for storage while the chest at the bottom is used for otherwise. If you open it and have a look, you will see two doors. There is a small hole with a height of 50 centimeters behind the second door. It’s a postern. Since the roads in the Ancient Troop-Hiding Cave extend in all directions, the defending troop, whether being a general or soldiers could transfer to a safe place through the postern and attack the enemies breaking into the cave. In Ming Dynasty, generals are ranked by the helmets they wear. The rank of this helmet is not high among the four ranks judged from the material of the helmets, whether being gold, silver, copper or iron. However, with the geographical advantage of being a pass that one man can hold out ten thousand, a general with ordinary rank is sufficient enough for the Ancient Troop-Hiding Cave.


    Number 037 Meeting Room


    The commodious place in front of us is a dining room as well as a temporary meeting room intended to save space, which kills two birds with one stone. Here, we can see a cooking bench. This iron cauldron is handed down from Ming Dynasty dating back to 500 years ago. Judging from the size of the cauldron, this should be a dining room that mainly serves for high-ranking military officers, because this cauldron cannot offer enough food for the 251 standing army stationed here. There is an ingenious design above the cooking bench with three smoke chimneys. What are the benefits for such design? On the one hand, it disperses the smoke vented in order to avoid being discovered by enemies on the ground. On the other hand, at least one chimney works regardless of the wind direction so that the smoke won’t be blown back into the cave and poison or suffocate people on their own side.


    Number 038 Armory on the Second Floor Underground


        We can see many weapons scattered on the ground. Why the skeletons in the trap we saw previous are not cleaned and the armory here is also a mess? Because it’s impossible to carry out the investigation and verification, one possibility is that the Ancient Troop-Hiding cave was once destroyed or backfilled. It was also possible that many people died in the chaos caused by war during the dynastic transitions. We can see a skull wearing helmet was left in the innermost. It’s a dead private soldier from Ming Dynasty. With the rest of the body missing, it is actually not a full body. By then, many minority civilians or soldiers from the north are involved in the war. With the principle of awarding people according to their contributions, the number of chopped-off heads defines the level of contribution. When the private soldier from Ming Dynasty was killed, his head was chopped off and taken away. However, the enemy somehow left the skull that would bring him honor in the armory. War speaks for itself the brutality. We sincerely hope there would be no more war and killing in the world. May peace be kept forever.  


    Number 039 Water Well


    This water well is their major source of water in the cave. Since the underground water level in Ningxia is deep, water could be only available when the well is built on this layer. We can also see a ring of red incrustation on the ceiling of the cave. Speculation is that it might be generated when the enemies once filled the cave with water from outside.


    The tunnels we see on the side are not yet cleared up. Other similar tunnels are found in other parts of the cave. There are actually many places yet to be cleared up in the Ancient Troop-Hiding Cave.

    編號(hào)040 火藥庫(kù)

    Number 040 Powder-Magazine


    The discovery of powder magazine again accounts for the use of fired weapons in Ming Dynasty. The gunpowder is the leftover at that time. It has ceased to be effective after being left here for many ages. Moreover, due to the difference in ingredients, gunpowder made in Ming Dynasty is not as destructive as that made in modern times.



    Number 041 Sentry Post


    The four sentry posts set up here signify the importance of the location since we are reaching the command center. Moreover, the small watch hold in front of us faces right to a hole on the opposite side for ease of mutual signaling and more vigilance. Meanwhile, the earth platform on the posts also prove that soldiers would be guarding here for a long time and be quite laborious.


    Number 042 Granary


    Grains are found in a very small area in this cave, which implies that the Ancient Troop-Hiding Cave is not a permanent troop station. Like the tunnel warfare, these soldiers mainly stay overground for daily life. They would only enter the cave for ambush under emergency condition. Troop-hiding is a strategic means of making concessions in order to gain advantages.


    Number 043 Conference Hall


    This is the conference hall-command center of the Ancient Troop-Hiding Cave. The conference hall is mainly for the military officers to gather and discuss the military plans, study and arrange military operation and operational preparations. Even though the Ancient Troop-Hiding Cave was built in Ming Dynasty, it was still in use in Qing Dynasty.



    Number 044 Defense Tunnel


    What you are visiting now is a complete defense tunnel. There are no small holes available to place the oil lamp in the wall, which means in Ming Dynasty, the defending troop generally would not enter the tunnel. It is only used to induce the enemies to enter so that they would save some manpower.



    Number 045 Large Trap


    As you can see, there are many hidden weapons in this large trap. At that time, they would put sharp-pointed bamboos at the bottom of the trap. The toughness of bamboo is quite incredible, which makes it extremely destructive.


    The concave-convex battlefields and the logs are purposely made barriers to retard the attack from the enemies.



    Number 046 Doors between Life and Death


    Doors between life and death, just as its name implies, they are choices for life or death. On the left side is the way out, a simple aisle. The door on the right leads to death, because hidden weapons and tricks are installed here. One has to watch the steps carefully because once any tricks are triggered, arrows would be shot. It’s a near escape for anyone who takes this way. Moreover, if the enemies enter the passageway of the “doors between life and death”, soldiers from Ming Dynasty could come along from side holes and shut both doors so that enemies would be trapped inside.

    編號(hào)047 軟繩陣

    Number 047 Soft Rope Tactics

        The setup of soft rope tactics is actually not that destructive. However, after going through the previous gates of hell, psychological warfare is initiated here. Even if the enemies see how the hidden weapons are installed, they dare not advance without careful consideration.

    Number 048 Trap Board


    The place covered by wooden board is another trap-the Trap Board. A roller is installed in the middle of the board for control. The board would be turned over when any side is stepped on. The enemy would fall into a trap as deep as 3 meters, with sharp-pointed bamboos installed as hidden weapons. Anyone who falls into the trap would certainly get killed.


    編號(hào)049 滾木

    Number 049 Rolling Log


    The big log is the rolling log which is usually used together with stones. This is what they call “rolling logs and thunderstones” . They could be used to attack the enemies from the top of the gorge.


    Number 050 Ba Zong’s Office


    “Ba Zong” was a government position in Ming Dynasty. It was the military officer guarding a fort. This position is equivalent to a current battalion commender. There were 251 soldiers stationed in Hongshan Fort in the Ming Dynasty and were led by the Ba Zong quartered in the fort.


    This Ba Zong’s office was discovered in 2007 by Ningxia Archaeological Research Institute when excavating and clearing up Hongshan fort. The foundation of the office was then buried in ruins. Archaeologists discovered large amount of tiles and building components from Ming Dynasty, as well as the well preserved foundation. Experts restored the shape and structure of the buildings according to the distribution of foundation and the piled tiles and building components, and they got to know from documentary records that this building was the Ba Zong’s office for Hongshan fort of Ming Dynasty. In 2008, we restored and rebuilt it, and developed it as “The Great Wall Museum in Ningxia ” according to the research findings by the experts.



    Number 051 Brick Pillow (Located in Exhibition Hall No.1 at Great Wall Museum in Ningxia)


        It is widely used in the era of wars because the solid material spreads sound quicker. With heads rested on the brick pillow, soldiers can hear the enemy cavalry horses approaching from afar, which helps increase their vigilance. This is similar to what we usually say “make a pillow of one's spear waiting for daybreak”.


    Number 052 Chiwen--Ornament on Roof Ridge(Located in Exhibition Hall No.1 at Great Wall Museum in Ningxia)


     The dragon has nine sons with huge differences. Chiwen is the God of Rain, the youngest son of the dragon king. It is usually dry in the northwest area of China, the image of Chiwen is thus placed on top of the roof ridge as ornament. It has an implied meaning of removing ill fortune, suppressing fire and praying for rain. 


    Number 053 Eaves Tile 


        Eaves tile is very commonly seen in ancient Chinese architecture. As its shape is similar to ruyi (an S-shaped ornamental object symbolizing good luck), it has an implied meaning of exorcising evil spirits. Moreover, aside from the function of drainage, eaves tile also serves as protection to the head of wood rafter since many ancient Chinese architectures are made of wood, in which way the service life of the building is extended.  


    Number054 Brick Carving


    The ancient people devote particular care to the decorations of the building. Orchid and red-crowned crane are relatively popular. Orchid symbolizes a man of noble character and implies pureness and integrity. Red-crowned crane usually implies longevity, good luck and the state of being healthy in old age.


    Number055 Hongshan Fort


    Built in the 16th year of Hongzhi emperor’s regime (in 1503), it was one of the forts forming the Great Wall defence system. It has got a history of more than 500 years. It was set up according to the defence system of the Ming Dynasty, that is, cities to be built at every 30km and forts to be built at every 15 km along the Great Wall.


        At the very beginning, barriers like Hongshan Fort were built for two purposes: one is to enhance the defence along the Great Wall frontier and the other is for “Autumn Defence”. “Autumn Defence” had been in existence since ancient times. When it came to the Ming Dynasty, the Tartar, Wala nobles still followed the ancient practice initiated by nobles of nomadic people like Tujue etc. They sent an army on a large scale to invade the south in autumn when horses are strong and forage grass is sufficient then. However, people in the south are still in the middle of autumn harvest. Therefore, dynasties from Tang to Ming would mobilize its army to garrison the frontier by then and prevent the civilians being attached. This is what we call “Autumn Defence”.  But objectively speaking, its function is way beyond those mentioned. Since the 10th year of Jiajing emperor’s regime (in 1531), Wang Qiong (a military figure in Ming Dynasty)came up with the implementation plan of “deep trench and high barrier wall” and built the “major barrier wall”. After that, the “Ning Yan Road ”(running from Yinchuan City to Yanchi County today) was linked up with the barrier-protected transportation road in north of Shannxi and the“Golden Trade Road” for trade transportation back and forth was thus formed. On the other hand, courier stations were set up at all forts from Hengshan to Qingshuiying. It was the only access for military supplies, transmission of military plans and contacts of government officials for Ningxia Town. Together with the “Ning Yan Road”, it formed the two major traffic lines under military protection. Another important function is for people of all ethnic groups from both inside and outside of the Great Wall, to conduct commodity transaction and business trade in “horse trade marketplace” and “cow and sheep trade market” located in Qingshuiying. Hongshan fort is one of the important passageways. 


    Number 056 Urn-Shape Auxiliary Entrance


    If you get a bird’s eye view of Hongshan Fort, you will find it looks like a turtle in general: Hongshan fort is the body of the turtle while the urn-shape auxiliary entrance is the head of the turtle. In peacetime, the main entrance of Hongshan fort is locked while the gate of the urn-shape auxiliary entrance is left half open. It will only be closed in the time of war in an attempt to kill the enemies inside the auxiliary entrance area. Therefore, a saying goes “catch a turtle in a jar”.



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